Aircraft Specialty Flightlines offers a COMPLETE firewall aft fuel hose install kit
for your 7/7A/9/9A. This kit includes the following and is setup for the Airflow
Performance Fuel pump/Filter most builders are using. (7/7A F.I.PUMP KIT-
1. CNC bent rigid to flex hose assemblies from the Andair FS20X7T valve (Or Stock Vans Valve if selected) to the wing tanks. Also includes grommets for mounting.
2. 3 CNC bent rigid tubes from the Valve to the pump assembly and the pump interconnect tubes.
3. AN union and a conductive teflon flex hose to the firewall.
1. RV7/9 Cabin Fuel Kit 1: This kit is designed for the Andair FS20X7T Valve
2. RV7/9 Cabin Fuel Kit 2: Same as kit 1 but setup for Inverted fuel in the left tank.
3. RV7/9 Cabin Fuel Kit 3: Same as kit 1 but setup for Inverted fuel in the right tank.
4. RV7/9 Cabin Fuel Kit 4: Same as kit 1 but setup for Inverted fuel in both tanks
5. RV7/9 Cabin Fuel Kit 5: Same as kit 1 but setup for the Stock VANS VALVE.
2022 Aircraft Specialty LLC